MP4 to GIF

Convert MP4 videos to animated GIF images online and free

Convert MP4 to GIF

How to make GIF from MP4 video

Upload MP4

Choose an MP4 video file on your device, cloud service, or paste the link and upload it to our website. Wait for the download to finish.

Convert Video

Once the upload is complete, you can make the necessary settings, such as the number of frames, speed, quality and others. After completing the configuration, proceed to converting.

Download GIF

Now your new GIF file is available for preview and download. After downloading, check the result. If you don't like it, change the settings or try another application

MP4 to GIF

Converting mp4 to gif and creating animated pictures

Static graphics are, of course, important for a website. But it is not always enough. Therefore, the popularity of the video format continues to grow, but video, especially with sound, can be inconvenient to watch. Plus, it takes up quite a lot of hosting space if you upload it directly to your website, not Youtube. Gif-animation takes up less space, at the same time attracts attention due to the movement "autoplay", and brings any article to life. Making GIFs from videos is a simple process. There are many programs on the web that allow you to convert video of any format to animated GIF in just a couple of clicks. And that's not counting the online conversion services.

How to use GIF images?

GIF animation is needed to make text - on social networks, newsletters, or on a website - more dynamic. With the help of GIFs, you can increase user engagement, increase readability and click-through rates; it might even affect leads and sales. Now gifs are used everywhere: they are especially popular on social networks and sometimes even replace the emoticons we are used to.
A big plus of the format is that it is an alternative to short videos without sound, because bulky files cannot be used everywhere. At the same time, the quality remains quite high.

MP4 to GIF


Our MP4 to GIF converter is the best and here are 6 reasons why


You are on this site because you have a video, most likely in MP4 format, and you want to turn it into a motion picture in GIF format. Well, this is exactly what we do - we will complete your task without problems.


GIF images allow you to create animated images. Unlike videos, they do not contain audio. The rest is the same video. GIF picture consists of a sequence of separate frames with different frequency.


The quality of an animated GIF depends on several factors. Firstly, this is the resolution of the original video, and secondly, the degree of image compression, as well as the number of frames per second.


Quite a few sites offer converting MP4 to GIF now. So which one should you choose? The question is not easy, but we have solved it for you. With the help of our site, you can try several of the best applications at once and choose the one that suits you best.


Gone are the days when, to use a program, you had to download it to your computer or phone and install it there. Most programs are now available online right in the browser window. It is convenient for users.


And no less important factor is the cost of converting MP4 to GIF. On our site you can do it for free. We believe that such a model is best suited to current trends. In return, we only ask you to rate us and share with your friends.

Few facts about MP4toGIF

We tried very hard to make for you the most convenient service for converting MP4 and other video formats to animated GIFs. We really hope that we have succeeded, so it is important for us that you appreciate the quality of our service.

  • Modern and convenient user interface
  • Variety of available apps to choose from
  • Completely free access without restrictions


Converted files


Minutes of videos


Number of frames



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